Bachelor of Applied Technology Geographic Information Systems

Previous 2 year Diploma - GPA 4.0

  • Exploration Technology - SAIT - 

Completed Courses - GPA 4.0

  • GEOS 409 - GIS Data Capture I - A+
  • GEOS 410 - GIS Data Manipulation and Transformation - A+
  • GEOS 406 - Geospatial Project Foundations - A+
  • COMM 415 - Professional Communications - A+
  • GEOS 419 - GIS Data Analysis and Output - A+
  • GEOS 418 - GIS Data Modelling - A+
  • GEOS 451 - GIS Data Capture II - A+
  • GEOS 456 - GIS Programming - A+
  • GEOS 457 - Cartography and Geovisualization - A+

To Complete

  • GEOS 459 - Applied GIS Capstone Project - In Progress
  • GEOS 540 - Applied GIS Directed Field Studies
