MCDM AHP. Wait. What?

 Multi-Criteria Decision-Making & Analytical Process Hierarchy

As I started to look into my project and began a review of literature written about it the first part of the papers was fine, basically a discussion on what things might affect the outcome.  The second half, less so as they delved into Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) and Analytical Process Hierarchy (AHP).  The papers turn from English to math.  Matrix notations and explanations...

A little secret about me, I hated math in school.  OK I sort of hated math, I liked the problem-solving aspect and actually liked getting correct answers, the trouble was I didn't want to put the work into getting those little glimmers of joy, there were video games to play and computer programs to write! 

Even as I went to attempt my Computer Science degree, math and I didn't get along;  calculus baffled me.  Still despite this, I came into adult life with a strong belief in math and its importance.  I use trigonometry and algebra almost daily, but I believe I missed out on a deeper study that might have helped me later in life. Matrices are one of these areas, so seeing them makes my brain glaze over.

Thankfully in the modern world, we have YouTube.  Don't understand something, type it into the search engine, and away you go.  I found this video,, by Manoj Mathew who explains the process with no matrix notation.  It was easy to follow and now I have a much better understanding of how I can use the AHP process to determine the weights of my potential criteria.  

And no, you didn't miss it, I didn't say what the project was.  I am awaiting approval and its final form before I let the cat out of the bag.
