Geos 419 - The Project - Step 1: Ask the Question.

I wanted to write a quick update about the project that was selected for the GEOS-419 project at SAIT.  Initially I was looking to do something on site selection for solar stations, however a couple of things have pushed me away from this as a topic.

  1. Largely raster based, and the course is mostly focused on Vector analysis.
  2. Ended up being a team project and we picked something we both had interest in.
So, what did we choose?  Well step 1 of this project was to choose a geographic question to answer that included aspects of What, When and Where, and so that question is as good a way to reveal the project as any I can think of.

"Over an area of approximately 11,000 square km, centered on the City of Calgary, Alberta, Do we see any current correlation between areas of high archeological importance and the location of water bodies at the resolution of the ATS section?"

Alberta has an extensive Historic resource dataset, and that combined with waterbodies and the ATS grid should allow us to run some interesting analysis to come up with some answers to our question.
