Obsidian & The Point Cloud

As I have mentioned previously I moved away from taking notes with a pen and notebook to a more modern approach.  One of the things this approach allows us to do is to visualize the point cloud and how the individual pieces of information are interconnected.  This also allows us to explore data points that are not linked, and see if they can be linked in somewhere.

I thought it would be fun to start including some screen shots of the "card" visualization cloud as it gets built.  

At present this has two courses included in the cloud,

  • 406 - Project management
  • 419 - Data Analysis & Output
If you look closely there is actually a 3rd class included in the cloud, a single entry from GEOS409, that exists because I was trying some stuff out when I started this whole process.  That single point illustrates the potential here.  That single point is "Cylindrical Projection", and we can see it has two links back into GEOS419, "Projection class" and "Map Projection".  This allows us to explore our notes and see how the knowledge from one class can build onto another.

It would be cool to go back through and add in the notes from the first two classes, 409 and 410, which were taken in notebooks.  Realistically that probably won't happen, as I probably don't have the time I want to dedicate to it.  Although there are a few chapters that might be good to include, such as the modules on GPS.
