Microsoft Teams, oops.

It has been a week! 

Last week was pretty quiet, as we had 2 weeks to cover Chapter 7 in Mastering ArcGIS Pro.  I had read, taken notes and incorporated flashcards into my study calendar during the first week, so last week was largely review.  One of the benefits of only taking one class this semester.

We also started on our second assignment last week, which I found very frustrating.  It wasn't that it was undoable, it was just that the questions didn't seem like things that had been directly covered in the class.  Either way I got through it and put it on the back burner to go over in a few days.  

During this time a classmate asked a question in the forums about it and the instructor referred him to one of the video lectures on the subject.  This brings us to the title of this blog post.  You see, I had been keeping up on all the videos being posted, or at least thought I had.  The instructors comment made me think otherwise.  

Long story short, our video files are all accessed through MS Teams.  The files interface has 4 options, Recent, MS Teams, Downloads and One Drive.  Silly me assumed "RECENT" was items recently added to the files, ie new lectures.  What it really means is files I have recently accessed, like you might see in Excel when you go to open a new file, for example.  I had been looking in here and not seeing any new videos and assuming I was caught up.  This was made all the MORE believable to me as our instructor had missed a lecture one week due to illness.

This meant I started trying to catch up lectures for week 5, week 6, week 7 and week 8!  This is probably about 8 hours of videos.  I am now into week 7.

The good part of all of this was that assignment I mentioned earlier made *WAY* more sense after having watched the videos and I ended up scoring 98.5% on it. I am pretty sure I might not have been quite as high had I not found the videos, I definitely refined it and picked up a few marks here and there.

As we roll into Friday I have my notes taken and flashcards written for this week and am prepped to take quiz number 2 for the class today.

To wrap up this post I thought I would include the current point cloud from Obsidian.  Colors are a little hard to see on this one, but I started adding in data from GEOS 409, which I took previous to using this system.  I talk about that in this post, so head on over there if you are interested in a little about my process.

Have a fabulous day!
