An Introduction to Databases - GEOS 418 - Week 2

Way back in my early years of school, the years I did directly out of high school, which were an abysmal failure, I did part of a program called CIS.  Computer Information Systems.  It was actually the first time I ever came across the term, "GIS".  This would have been back in 1992 or 1993.  During this time we also did a course in databases.  I don't pretend to be an expert in databases, but that course laid down a fairly solid understanding of their basics: Tables, records, fields, normalization, primary keys, relationships, queries, reports, etc.

I have worked with computers as a hobby all my life and officially in a support type roll for the past 15 years in the Oil & Gas industry. Chapter one of this book is not aimed at me.  Still it is good review, especially since I don't actually use Access or DBs in general all that much (beyond GIS applications).

This week we learned how to...

  • Create tables in Design and Datasheet views
  • Enter Data
  • Create with wizards
    • Queries
    • Reports
    • Forms
  • Backup the Access the DB
  • Repair and Compact the DB
Could I have done all of these without the course?  Yes.

Is it good to review things you can already do so you can do them better? Yes.
