Between Semesters.

Between Semesters

By the end of a semester, I am so ready to be done with it.  This last one really drove that point home as my frustration grew with how things were and how I thought they could be better.  I was craving time off, having nothing to read, and no notes to take.  

Classes officially ended May 2nd, but final projects were in by April 31st.  The next semester doesn't start until May 9th.  

I do not know what to do with myself.

Part of it is not wanting to start any huge projects as there won't be time. Part of it is just missing the actual process of reading and taking notes.  I am using this time to think about new ways of staying organized, better ways to take notes, and better ways to utilize technology.

Soon enough I will be deep into the next semester and craving this break again.  Enjoy what you have, while you have it. 
