GEOS-419: Flood Project Overview

Identifying Significant Archeological Areas and Potential Flood Impact

The ideas the team had when we started this project were interesting but proved to be too extensive for what was required in the course. With a final project capped at 2000 words and a 15-minute presentation, we needed to switch gears. Writing the proposal at the beginning of the year without a complete idea of what would be taught specifically, and what the final project would look like proved difficult.

Our initial project proposal was set to try and predict where we might see significant archeology in Alberta, although the question was worded a little more open:

what significant archeology sites spatially correlate with regions containing high proximity to water bodies?

 If we had seen a simple correlation between distance to water and significant sites, this might have been workable, but the truth is pretty much all cataloged areas, important or not, correlate with being close to water.  To make any kind of workable model would have required more variables and some more in-depth analysis.  

This course dealt with some introductory statistics talking about distributions, variance, and measures of central tendency, but it was largely focused on determining ways we can analyze vector data such as data exports & imports, attribute selection, layer creation, table joins, spatial joins, extractions, and overlay techniques.

As the project pivoted into its final form we kept the core of the question, identifying important archeological sites and their proximity to water, and set out to determine if we could quickly identify areas of importance and their risk to flooding and potential damage.  The view was that if you could quickly identify these areas you could find places that could benefit from focussed studies in the future.

Our geographic question was re-framed to become the following:

"Can we quickly identify areas of high archeological importance that are currently at possible risk for flooding within an 11,000 square kilometer around the City of Calgary?"

The final presentation for this project can be found here

Thank you for stopping by and participating in a great understanding of relationships in the real world.

